Fencing Fee Estimator

Enter all applicable types and linear footage.
Retaining Walls 0‐2' HT (linear ft.)
Retaining Walls 2‐4' HT (linear ft.)
Retaining Walls 4-6' HT (linear ft.)
Retaining Walls > 6' HT (linear ft.)
Chain Link (linear ft.)
CMU 4" block 6' or less HT (linear ft.)
CMU 4" block > 6' HT (linear ft.)
CMU 8" block or other (linear ft.)
Wrought Iron (linear ft.)
Iron Wood (linear ft.)
Wood (linear ft.)
3 Strand Barbed Wire (linear ft.)
Rail Fencing (linear ft.)
Select a type of Structure
Select the most appropriate drainage Condition
Check the box if there is an open violation

Total Fee Estimate:

For questions about the Fee Estimator, please contact us at pdcustomerservice@mail.maricopa.gov